Monday, May 11, 2015

Pivotal Moments in Star Wars movies...

There are moments in a persons life where a major event happens and their lives change forever based on a decision they make at or immediately after the event.

There are two moments in particular in two of the Star Wars movies that come to mind that have this pivotal moment.

In "Attack of the Clones," after Anakin Skywalker has slaughtered an entire village of Sand People because they were supposedly responsible for his mothers death is one. In "A New Hope" after Luke Skywalker discovers Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru's charred remains at their homestead is the other.

If you look at the this image, the top frame is Anakin Skywalker returning to his step father's homestead (later it will be Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru's) with his mother's body. After this event, Anakin begins his decent to the dark side of the force. The middle frame is Luke Skywalker looking upon his aunt and uncle's remains after they were murdered by imperial stormtroopers that were looking for his droids. It was after this event that Luke makes a decision to learn the ways of the force and become a Jedi like his father.

Yes, these were pivotal moments in these two Star Wars characters lives that changed their destiny's and the galaxy forever.

Now, here we are, waiting for the December 18th release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and I notice a scene during the recent release of the second teaser trailer. Its a scene that has the character we only know as "Rey" played by Daisy Ridley. The look Rey has on her face. It seems very similar to the previous two scenes I mentioned earlier. Rey is viewing something, possibly a pivotal moment where she will make a decision that could change her destiny and the galaxy forever! F O R E V E R!

Now, let me tell you something else. I, by no means, am I going to claim Rey is a Skywalker. That would seem to be an implication of my analysis. But I am not sure who Rey is and I won't know, like the rest of you, until December 18th!

So lets watch Teaser #2 again!

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